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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Social Media And Its Uses

There are many people in my community that I deem as important. One of the individuals that fall into this category is Professor Shaw. P. Williams.

Shawn P. Williams was my instructor for the Social Media Class offered at Paul Quinn College this past 2010 semester. If it was not for him and his phenomenal teaching skills I would not have this blog on the Internet right now.

He showed the class not just the basics for media and it's uses but he also taught us the significance of having a news platform and how we can use it to inform and change our community. I have great goals for my blog.

The Nikos News Network as I have created, caters to a vast audience. And you who are reading is apart of this audience.

Terms used for the web such as blog, html, search engine, and web browser were names I was not quite familiar with even though I saw and used them daily. By taking the course I learned more about social media and its uses as well as what these terms meant.

People today want to know what is happening at this moment. Social websites such as Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter are sites that help them to do so. With sites like these they help with networking and letting people know what is happening "Now".

In my opinion I believe Facebook is the easiest site and most known to get use to because many millions of people have one. Users are able to get in contact with old friends, family members and even receive job "hookups".

By becoming internet and technology savvy, people can truly know how to get the most out of these resources. Like me, you too can develop your own blog and put whatever you that is important out to the public.

I thank you Mr. Shawn P. Williams for educating me and our Social Media Class this past semester. I hope you to continue to enlighten and brighten minds local and abroad.

If you would like to know what is happening in your Dallas Community and throughout Texas visit Shawn P. Williams website at Dallassouthnews.org

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Email Interview with Dexter D. Evans

Niko Nkululeko: Good afternoon Dexter D. Evans. I thank you for doing this email interview today. I believe that you are a very distinguished individual and I would like for people to know more about you. Before I begin I would like to ask you what is your purpose in life?

Dexter D. Evans: My purpose, wow! My purpose in life is to influence as many people as I can. In one day becoming the U.S. Secretary of Education, I want to take the wisdom and knowledge that I obtain through earning a Juris Doctorate, Masters in Higher Education, and Masters of Divinity to reach the nations educators and students. I feel that education is the only way the people can advance whether it is learning academically, tactically, or spiritually.

Niko Nkululeko: Who do you consider to be your biggest role model?

DE: Seeking the ways of Jesus Christ is the best example of a servant leader whom I chose to follow daily. I am greatly influenced by many great men i.e. President Sorrell, my pastor Dr. Jerry L. Christian, and an abundance of mentors, but J.C. is who I lean on for all guidance and understanding.

NN: I know that we are classmates and I have had the honor to work side by side with you in an apartment renovation project that we are doing on the campus of Paul Quinn College. Would you like to tell viewers how this project is coming along?

DE: Well, thank you sir. It's an honor to work along side a consistent partner like yourself as well. But yes, the apartment renovation on the campus has been a tough task despite the effective progression we have made. I'm proud to say that we have made it to the budgeting and work plan stages of the project and know will begin writing grants, hosting fundraisers, and exploring business/networking opportunities to eventually inspire future donors.

NN: When is the expected date for the apartments to become open for on campus Paul Quinn Students?

DE: The tentative grand opening will be held the beginning of the Fall 2011 semester. I'm extremely excited! When it's all said and done, you'll be one of the first to have a room, brother Niko.

NN: Where do you think your group will get the funding and resources for this project?

DE: The Department of Education is our first stop! I pray that everything can get taking care of, so we receive the blessing that God has for us. 

NN: This is great! We all want to continue to hear more updates on how you are coming along on this enormous project. I am very optimistic for you and the group. I want you to succeed and knowing you personally I know you will!

DE: Thanks, Bless you brother.

If you want to stay up to date on news in your community please visit, dallassouthnews.org

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Big Interview

Niko Nkululeko: So, I hear a lot of talk about a social business plan project that you are working on at Paul Quinn College. Is this true?

Valette Reese: Why yes, yes it is.

Niko Nkululeko: How far are you coming along on this project of yours?

Valette Reese: I am actually almost done. I am just finishing up a few financial aspects of the project and tieing up some loose ends.

Niko Nkululeko: Is there a type of prize that you'll get once you complete this business plan?

Valette Reese: Yes! We are actually competing for a $2,500 prize from Pepsico to be split between the top three presentations.

Niko Nkululeko: Wow. Thats a lot of money...Can you elaborate a little more on your business plan please?

Valette Reese: Well I don't want to let the cat out of the bag before I present, but I can tell you why we are even doing this. The whole point of our business plan is to create a social business that can make money, sustain itself, and solve a social problem. For example, creating a store that sells fresh vegetables to solve the problem of obesity.

Niko Nkululeko: This sounds like a great plan Valette. How can veiwers find out more about this spectacular plan?

Vallete Reese:  Well I can tell you the social problem I am trying to solve is unemployment for ex-convicts. If you would like to see what my business is you can come to Paul Quinn College on Dec. 13, 2010 in the Zale Library at 6:30pm to see my presentation.

Niko Nkululeko: Well there you have it folks.  Thank you Reese so much for your time and I wish you the best on your plan and am looking forward to your big win Monday!

If you want to learn more about what's happening in your Dallas community feel free to visit Dallassouthnews.org